Portable/Semi-permanent sprung flooring
Starting your own business is a tremendous undertaking, especially with a dance studio. In order to get started and begin sharing your love of dance a studio owner will be searching for the most optimal location. Sometimes there will be an opportunity to own the building while in other scenarios it will be a rental or lease agreement. It is also possible that with your success you are looking to expand or upgrade to a better facility. There are many reasons that a studio owner could need a new floor. It also seems like a shame that the dance floor which is your biggest investment and supports your livelihood has to be left behind. Or does it?
Portable or Semi-permanent sprung flooring is gaining in popularity. While not as high quality as some permanent sprung floor systems, it still offers a quality flooring solution for your dance studio with the added benefit that it can also be moved with you to a new studio location. This is a great product for any studio owner who is just starting out but will most likely move or expand to a new location.
It may be installed directly over an existing level substrate and is 1.14” (29mm) in height. A shock absorption foam is placed underneath to help reduce the chance of injury. Our portable sprung floor system can be installed quickly and securely thanks to its flexible profile in the short end joint and the floor pieces that lock into place with a single movement. No tools or glue are required and it can be easily dismantled to move on to the next studio location and if the studio is larger supplemental materials may be ordered for the expansion. It has been tested in accordance to the demands of EN14904 and achieves the highest A4 classification. As if that is not enough the floor can be made of either oak or maple wood. Your choice!
It is the goal of every business owner to own their building and not lease it but not everyone can own. If leasing a studio the situation with a landlord or rental agreement can change due a variety of circumstances. By having a portable or semi-permanent flooring system, you can take it with you should you have to move! It will certainly be a time saver and will allow you to get up and going quicker at your new studio.
If you are opening a dance studio or moving then a portable or semi-permanent sprung floor may be for you. Contact us and we can consult with you to determine what kind of floor is right for you and your studio.