If you own or operate a dance studio the most important piece of equipment is a sprung floor. Whether the sprung floor is a pre manufactured floor or a build-it-yourself system it is not a luxury to have but instead is a necessity. Sprung flooring is the safest solution for your dancers and instructors to work on. At EFS we cover the all […]
Many studios perform outside of their building at community theaters, school auditoriums and other similar venues for end of year concerts, holiday performances and other special events. Ideally, the stage the dancers are using will be level, well maintained and in overall “good condition”. However, this isn’t always the case. Many studios seek a floor that they can transport with them to whatever venue […]
Starting your own business is a tremendous undertaking, especially with a dance studio. In order to get started and begin sharing your love of dance a studio owner will be searching for the most optimal location. Sometimes there will be an opportunity to own the building while in other scenarios it will be a rental or lease agreement. It is also possible that with […]
Made from a variety of materials, dance floors can be designed to meet specific needs. Vinyl, laminate, engineered woods, and hardwoods are used to accommodate different styles of dance and/or aesthetics. Because performance floors can be a versatile venue for events, a number of factors can play a role in deciding which is the best for the setting. Also, many theatres will use […]
Oak – Sprung floor w Hardwood – Katy Elite Studios, TX How do you know if you should choose hardwood surface or vinyl “Marley” type surface for your dance or fitness studio? Following are some factors that may be considered in choosing the most appropriate surface for your dance floor. There’s cost consideration and how much maintenance will be required for each surface. Along […]
Hello all! Thank you for visiting FloorAdvice.com, brought to you by Entertainment Flooring Systems! This is our new blog where we will post articles on dance floors and dance flooring related topics. We will be covering flooring topics such as; Marley, Fitness, Yoga, Pilates, Athletic, Stage, Theatre, Ballroom, Sprung dance flooring, and Portable dance floors like our new Portable Sprung dance floor. We will […]